This is a blog inspired by Mac Workstations and Mac Office Workspace designs. Here we provide you with stylish, sexy and productivity-driven workstation and workspace designs that you can use as your design cue to remodel, reorganize and redecorate your workstation and space. This blog will showcase Mac Workstation setup and Workspace Design with pictures that will help you to make an idea of how you want to style your command center.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Inspiring Workstation

Something about this workstation is just inspiring. It makes you want to just sit down and get down to business. I believe that what a workstation has to be, not just look good, but something about it has to be inviting and inspire you to get to work. Another amazing setup. I think this is a PC setup though.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Collective Mac Office Workstation Setup

Monday, December 13, 2010

Around the World Mac Office Workstation Setup

This Mac Office Workstation Setup looks similar to what we have below and it's also one of my favorites.  What I find very cool in setting up your Mac Office Workstation is to have a lamp placed behind your monitor to give that glowing effect around your workstation.  Since starring at your monitor with the light off is not recommended for your eyes, having small lamb on behind the screen get's the job done in style.  It's bright enough for you to read through hard copy papers or book and it give illumination to your desk as if you're doing something very important.  

This Mac Office Workstation Setup is sporting the biomorph interactive desk which is way too pricey ($2300) in my book, but if you can fork up the cash, why not?  Actually I take that back... if you can get so much better setup with $2300.  Plus, personally, this biomorph desk doesn't offer much space for my books, mails, paperworks and etc.  Let me know what you think.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mac Office Workstation Setup for Renaissance Man

Bachelor's Mac Workstation Setup

This is what I call a perfect room.  Compare to other Mac Office Workstation Setup, it looks bit amateurish, but it is indeed a workstation.  Maybe not as flashy as other Mac Office Workstation Setup, but just think about what you can't do in this Mac Office Workstation.  Exactly, there's really nothing you can not do here.  It has essentially everything you need for you to do any types of work.  It's simple, space-saving and efficient.  I personally like this Mac Office Workstation Setup.