This is a blog inspired by Mac Workstations and Mac Office Workspace designs. Here we provide you with stylish, sexy and productivity-driven workstation and workspace designs that you can use as your design cue to remodel, reorganize and redecorate your workstation and space. This blog will showcase Mac Workstation setup and Workspace Design with pictures that will help you to make an idea of how you want to style your command center.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Where We Work Matters...

It is no doubt that Mac Workstation setup blows PC out of the water in terms of it's looks, design, style and efficiency not to mention down right sexiness of Mac computers.  However whether the workstation setups are personal, stylish, indulgent, or simply well thought out, Where we work matters a great deal.  We want an environment that is inherently beautiful, fun to work in, and that inspires creativity while leading to productivity.

My mother once told me to "invest" in a good mattress because the quality of your life depends on it.  I kind of got what she meant when I was younger, but as I get older that wisdom echoes out to me at a very profound level.  Indeed how well you spend those hours in bed matters a great deal.  It's really common sense, isn't it?  Most of us spend 40-60 hours at our workplace on our workstation rather that's your office at work or home.  It is just as important for us to invest there as well.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Doctor's Office

This Apple Mac Workstation is from a Medical researcher in Russia Sergey N.  This setup is for those who is able to get all the work done through the monitors.  There isn't hardly any desktop space for anything, so I'm assuming that this doctor has a Executive Table behind this setup.  Going from one screen to two screen increase efficiency and productivity by double, but from two to three, I find it redundant.  But I guess it all depends on what kind of work you do.  Nevertheless, this is definitely an awesome Mac Workstation setup.